Navigating the complex process of obtaining an H-1B visa can be daunting, especially when it comes to understanding the various costs and fees associated with the application. Below we break these down.
What are H-1B visa fees?
H-1B visa fees are the costs associated with filing an H-1B visa petition with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Immigration regulations require that the majority of the fees be paid by the sponsoring employer, but some of the fees can be paid by either the employer or the employee. We have marked with an “*” the fees that must be paid by the employer.
1. USCIS Base Filing Fees for H-1B Petitions*
The base filing fee for Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, which is used to apply for an H-1B visa.
- Employers with >25 FT employees: $780*
- Employers with <25 FT employees: $460*
- Non-Profit Employers: $460*
2. Fraud Prevention and Detection Fee*
This fee is used to support USCIS's efforts to prevent and detect fraud in the H-1B program, ensuring its integrity and protecting both U.S. workers and H-1B beneficiaries. Employers must submit this fee with an H-1B or L-1 petition filed. Only H1B and L1 extensions with the same employer are exempt from paying this fee. Change of status requests from L1A to L1B or vice-versa are also exempt from paying this fee.
3. ACWIA Education and Training Fee*
The American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act (ACWIA) Education and Training Fee applies to certain H-1B petitioners. This fee is used to fund education and training programs for U.S. workers in fields related to the H-1B program. Non-Profit Employers affiliated with institutions of higher education, government research organization or clinical training program; primary or secondary educational institutions or institutions of higher education are exempt from this fee.
- Employers with >25 FT employees: $1500*
- Employers with <25 FT employees $750*
- Non-Profit Employers: $0*
4. Public Law 114-113 Fee*
Employers with 50 or more employees in the United States, with more than 50% of them in H-1B or L-1 nonimmigrant status, are required to pay this additional fee of $4,000 per H-1B petition. This fee, introduced by Public Law 114-113, aims to encourage employers to prioritize hiring U.S. workers and reduce their dependence on foreign workers.
5. Asylum Program Fee*
The Asylum applies to all Form I-129 filings.
- Employers with >25 FT employees: $600*
- Employers with <25 FT employees: $300*
- Non-Profit Employers: $0*
6. Premium Processing Fee (Optional)
For an additional fee , H-1B petitioners can request Premium Processing, which guarantees a response from USCIS within 15 business days. Regular processing on H1B petitions vary by USCIS service center, however, they are generally 3-6+ months.
If you're looking for expert guidance and personalized support throughout your H-1B journey, we're here to help. Get started with a free consultation today, and let us help you navigate the H-1B process with confidence.